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Lindsay Crowshoe

Health (2001)

To many in the most remote of Alberta’s fly-in Aboriginal communities, Lindsay Crowshoe is the doctor with the guitar. Others say he is first and foremost a good doctor. To Daniel Cutknife, however, a boy challenged by the effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Crowshoe is “the greatest,” and his “number one hero.” All these descriptions are more than fitting when telling the inspirational story of the life of Dr. Crowshoe. Now 32, this member of the Peigan First Nation has already blazed an epic trail. A medical doctor who provides clinical, emergency and hospital services in a rural Alberta, he also makes fly-in visits to other towns and villages not accessible by road. Dr. Crowshoe is an expert advisor on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome who makes his expertise widely available across North America. In between these visits, you’re more than likely to find him leading educational workshops for Aboriginal youth in any school found along his path. He is also an author, and a is a scholarship winning athlete who helped the University of Calgary Dinosaurs football team win the Vanier Cup in 1988.
