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Gabrielle Scrimshaw

Youth Recipient (2013)

“Challenges faced at a young age made me grow up quickly; the experiences made me stronger. Trust in the journey, it’ll work out in the end.”

At the age of 22, she was chosen as an Associate in the Graduate Leadership Program with the Royal Bank of Canada. In a program that generally selects Master of Business Administration (MBA) graduates, Scrimshaw was the first undergraduate associate in the program’s 12 year history. She graduated from the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan in the top 5% of her class. In her position with the Graduate Leadership Program, she has sought to develop Indigenous initiatives for the organization including the introduction of Indigenous procurement opportunities. Coming from a community of just over 1000, she has traveled, worked, lived and studied in 20 countries panning five continents. Her drive for community involvement and having her voice heard has led her to attend four different world summits and was recognized as a rising city leader in the Greater Toronto Area by CivicActions’ DiverseCity Fellow program in 2011. Scrimshaw also co-founded and is President of the Aboriginal Professional Association of Canada.

Watch Gabrielle Scrimshaw’s Walrus Talks Video
