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Alana Robert

Youth – Métis (2020)

Manitoba Métis Federation, MB

“Indigenous peoples are strong, talented, and filled with beauty. Each of us can help to create a country where Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit can dream of their future, instead of for a future, and reach their full potential.”

At the age of twenty-five, Alana Robert is already a strong legal advocate for Indigenous women. As an undergraduate at the University of Manitoba, she founded the group Justice For Women to combat gender-based violence on campus through education, policy, and support for students.  She then testified on this work to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women and became involved with Equal Voice, where she designed an electronic resource toolkit to enable other young women across Canada to effect change in their own communities.

Alana was part of the Canadian delegation to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women – and, during a summer internship at The Hague, she worked on victim and witness protection issues for the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.  She is currently an articling student at McCarthy Tétrault and aspires to pursue legal work that focuses on combating the violence against Indigenous women and girls in Canada.
