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David Tuccaro

Business and Commerce (1999)

When you hear the words Aboriginal and business, the name David Tuccaro quickly comes to mind. President and general manager of Neegan Development Corporation and Tuc Contracting for most of this decade, Mr. Tuccaro has blazed a path across Alberta’s business community that other Aboriginal people will surely follow in the years ahead. The numbers he’s responsible for are simply astounding: a 490 per cent increase in Tuc Contracting’s revenue in only three years; doubling revenues at Neegan Development in five years; and the list could go on. Along the way, the Alberta Cree took time out to establish the Northeastern Aboriginal Business Association – which features 60 member companies with combined revenues of $55 million – in 1996. Mr. Tuccaro also doesn’t allow provincial or even national borders to get in the way as he works to promote the Aboriginal reality in the business world of the 1990s. He’s currently hard at work on the launch of a global Aboriginal mutual fund and believes strongly in the promotion of global business opportunities for the world’s Indigenous peoples. His expertise is recognized throughout all of Canada. A member of the National Task Force on Oil Sands Strategies and the National Aboriginal Financing Task Force, Mr. Tuccaro also served as chair of the Aboriginal Business Canada Market Expansion Group. “When someone says I can’t do it,” he says. “I know for sure I can.” He’s proved it – many times. Fort McMurray, Alberta’s Dave Tuccaro was a 1999 National Aboriginal Achievement Award Business and Commerce recipient.
