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Arrange Your Legacy Gift Now and Get Immediate Benefits

You can establish an irrevocable trust to support Indspire’s work using cash, bonds, securities, real estate or other tangible assets. This type of gift allows you to arrange a significant legacy gift now and receive an immediate tax receipt while still using the interest income or gifted asset during your lifetime.

To establish this type of gift you transfer the assets into a trust managed by a trustee (your lawyer, a financial institution, yourself or an individual). A trust document names the beneficiary of the interest income and names Indspire as the remainder beneficiary. Your tax receipt is based on the net present value of the remainder interest.

Benefits to You

  • Tax Advantages – a charitable tax receipt for the net present value of the remainder interest in the trust when the gift is made
  • Reduced Fees – avoid probate fees
  • Continuous Earnings – generate a lifetime income for you and loved ones
  • Change Lives – favourably impact the lives of Indigenous youth across Canada

Please Seek Expert Advice

Indspire strongly recommends that you seek professional advice to ensure your financial goals are considered, your tax situation reviewed, and that your planned gift of charitable remainder trusts is tailored to your circumstances.

For more info, please contact:

Kate Espina
Director, Major Gifts | 1-855-INDSPIRE (463-7747) x0262
