Share employee experiences with the next generation of leaders

In 2018, TD Bank Group and Indspire announced a new multi-year partnership celebrating TD Bank Group as Indspire’s Lead Bank Supporter and Presenting Corporate Sponsor of the Indspire Awards and Soaring: Indigenous Youth Empowerment Gathering. Through this innovative and multi-faceted partnership, Indspire has been pleased to join TD in their efforts to continue to open doors for a more positive and inclusive tomorrow.
TD’s commitment to building stronger and more inclusive communities and their dedication to corporate citizenship made Indspire a natural fit for partnership. At Soaring, TD’s employees hosted a series of workshops for Indigenous high school students where they shared how their culture has driven and inspired their careers with TD. In sharing their career journeys, TD’s employees are inspiring and motivating youth to complete high-school and explore new and exciting career paths.
At the Indspire Awards, TD brings employees and youth to watch the show where they honour Indigenous achievement and experience an incredible celebration of culture and achievement. Employees and youth leave feeling a sense of pride for their communities and excitement for what the future brings.
Indspire is proud to partner with TD Bank Group and work with them on The Ready Commitment. TD has committed to creating more opportunities for people to get involved with by creating shared experiences for people from different walks of life, supporting arts and culture that reflects diverse voices and helping people feel a sense of belonging to their local community.