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Corporate Sponsorship

Indspire > Ways to Give > Corporate Sponsorship

Partner with Indspire

Why invest in Indigenous Education?

Education is the great equalizer.

Statistics show that when Indigenous people have the same levels of education as non-Indigenous people, their employment rates are also the same.

Education benefits communities.

Investing in one Indigenous student creates a ripple effect, benefiting their family, their community and future generations.

Investing in Indigenous education is an investment in Canada’s future.

Why invest with Indspire?

We’re known for delivering value to our corporate partners and helping them achieve their business and Corporate Social Responsibility objectives. Many of our partners have been working with Indspire to improve Indigenous education and connect with Indigenous youth for well over a decade – we look forward to working with many more over the next decade.

Meet Your Corporate Social Responsibility Objectives

As Canada’s largest Indigenous charity, Indspire has many sponsorship opportunities that provide direct access to the fastest growing demographic in the country. Through our various programs for Indigenous students and educators, plus the annual Indspire Awards, we can assist you to fulfill your corporate social responsibility and business objectives.

Tap Into Canada’s Fastest Growing Demographic

Workplace shortages are expected in many sectors of the Canadian economy in the coming years due to global demographic changes. Many corporations in Canada recognize the young expanding demographic of Indigenous youth as an untapped resource that is vital to Canada’s future economic prosperity.

The Indigenous population is the fastest growing demographic in Canada with 44% of the estimated 1.67 million Indigenous people in this country under the age of 24.1

Indspire can connect you directly with this future workforce to build skilled capacity in every sector.

1 Statistics Canada, 2016 Census of Population, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-402-X2016009. Ottawa. Released October 25, 2017.

Invest in Indigenous students and communities:

Soaring: Indigenous Youth Empowerment Gathering

Bring together Indigenous youth from across the country to experience a national education and career gathering that inspires them to finish high school, go on to college or university, and advance to exciting careers.

National Gathering for Indigenous Education

Supporting educators who work with Indigenous students to learn from experts in the field of Indigenous education, share successful practices, celebrate excellence and network.

Bursaries, Scholarships, and Awards for post-secondary education

The Building Brighter Futures program provides financial assistance to Indigenous students and connects those students with employers.

Indspire Awards

Nationally broadcast celebration of Indigenous achievement and culture provides a platform for inspiring youth, building relationships with corporate and Indigenous leaders, advocating for reconciliation and leveraging a powerful promotion and media campaign.

Case Studies

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

For more information about corporate sponsorship opportunities and how you can get involved, please contact Denise Lach, Director, Partnerships at

Corporate Matching Gifts

Does doubling, tripling or even quadrupling the impact of your donation to Indspire, at no additional cost, sound appealing to you? Indspire’s corporate matching gifts program is a great way to do just that! If your employer participates in a matching gift program, your company will match donations that you make to charitable organizations like Indspire. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

For more info, please contact Angel Miller, Senior Development Officer, Online Giving at
