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Accessing your T4As

2018 T4As will become available February 15, 2019. Only the 2018 T4As will be available. If you require a previous year T4A you will need to contact us at


Please read the instructions below before you proceed to the website, ensure you have all the information needed before you proceed.

Step 1)  Click on the link to access our secure website.

Step 2) Enter your Indspire’s Unique ID, First Name and Last Name as exactly provided in the email you received from Indspire. Please note that this data pertains to our records of your application.  If you need to change any information, please contact

If all data is entered correctly, you will be directed to the next page.

If you are not directed to the next page, please check the Indspire’s Unique ID, First Name and Last Name to ensure it is entered exactly as provided in the email you received from Indspire.  If you are still having difficulties or receive error messages, please contact

Step 3) On the bottom of the screen you will see a download T4A button.  Click on the button and your T4A will appear.  You have the option to print the T4A or you can save to your files.


What if I want a mailed copy of my T4A?

If you do not wish to access your T4A on the secure portal and choose to have a paper copy mailed to your current address please contact on or before February 18, 2019 12pm EST.

If you do not see the T4A Download Button

If there is no T4A download button available this indicates you do not have a T4A for the 2018. If you believe you do have a T4A for 2018 please contact

Experiencing Difficulties?
If you experience any difficulties with the above processes please contact
