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EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)


Please read the instructions below before you proceed to the website, ensure you have all the information needed before you proceed and submit.  You will need an electronic copy of a Void Cheque or Direct Deposit Form from your bank.

Step 1)

Please click on the link to access your Indspire Account where you will upload your information.

Step 2)

Enter your Indspire Username and Account Password. Please note that this data pertains to our records of your application.  If you need to change any information, please contact

Step 3)

BBF Application click on the purple down arrow and select “Enrolment”. Once on the next page, review your enrolment details.

Select one of the confirmation statements that apply to you, next type your name and date. Click the Orange “Submit” button. You will be redirected to the banking page to continue to the banking process.

Once you are on the next page, click on the orange “Create” button.

You must enter the following information:

  • Account Holder (your name as it is listed on your bank account)
  • Bank/Institution ID – 3-digit Code
  • Branch/Transit ID – 5-digit Code
  • Bank Account No.

Choose “Next”, then choose “Add files”. Click on “Choose Files” to upload a copy of your PDF void cheque or a PDF Direct Deposit Form from your banking institution. (If the document is not an a .pdf format you may have difficulties uploading a document) and click on “Add Files”.

All data must be complete to submit the form successfully.  Confirm that you have uploaded your bank form or void cheque as requested in your name with all requested information listed.

Once you have filled in all information, click “SUBMIT”. You will be directed to a new page that indicates your bank status as submitted. You will receive an auto reply email indicating you have submitted your information.

Once the Finance Department has reviewed the bank information submitted you will receive an email confirming your information has been reviewed.

If you are still having issues, please contact
