Building Brighter Futures Supporters
For a complete listing of Building Brighter Futures Supports, please visit
$5 Million +

$2 Million – $4,999,999
Joyce Family Foundation
$1 Million – $1,999,999
$500,000 – $999,999
Feiga Bresver Academic Fund
James Kennedy and June Pick
David and Susan Rattee
$250,000 – $499,999
Hilary Pearson Award
$100,000 – $249,999
Bourse de Montreal
Leslie Helson
Pat Hogan Endowment
Pat Kealey
Kornhauser Family
Rob and Shirley Metka
Herma Neyndorff
Ralph M. Barford Foundation
Daniela Tiger
Turkstra Foundation
Unit E Investments
Kirsten Yip
$25,000 – $99,999
Margaret Atwood
Averbach Family Foundation
Michel and Doreen Bell
Paul and Cathy Binhammer
Steve Bornemann
The Boyd-Myles Foundation
Bryn and Margaret Davies Giving Fund
Manuel and Cheryl Buchwald
Cassoulet Palace Inc.
Church of St. Clement
College of Fellows
Susan Diamond
Rob Dowler and Lisanne Hill
The Driving Force Group
Julie George
Yvette & Ken Graham
Judith Hamilton
Stewart and Julie Hamilton
Robin Henry
Indigeno Travel
Indigenous Women Leadership Scholarship
Roberta Jamieson
John and Catherine Kelly
Len Flett Bursary
Lynn Haley Foundation
Naomi McCormack
Michael McKiernan
Yvonne Mercer
Muskoka Community Foundation
Mara O’Brien James
Fran Odette
Shannon Pestun
Bernard & Carol Roitberg
Dr. Eduard Schludermann
Seger Family Foundation
Shakerhill Foundation Inc.
Small Goslings Family
Joan Willingham
James Yan