Janet Smylie
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Janet Smylie
Health (2012)
“I believe that each child comes into this world with a perfect sense of self,
it is up to us to ensure that this is honoured in ourselves, in each other, and in our children.”
One of the first Métis doctors in Canada, Dr. Janet Smylie is an expert in the field of Indigenous health having practiced and taught in urban, rural and remote communities. She began her career at the Ottawa General Hospital as a Family Medicine Resident and in 1996 went on to be a physician with Anishnawbe Health in Toronto. Internationally, she has worked with public health researchers in New Zealand, Australia and the United States to study and improve health systems for Indigenous populations. A past director of the Indigenous Peoples Health Research Centre in Saskatchewan and past Associate Professor at the University of Saskatchewan, she continues to practice medicine at the Seven Generations Midwives of Toronto. She is also a research scientist at Saint Michael’s Hospital – Centre for research on Inner City Health as well as an Associate Public Health Sciences Professor at the University of Toronto. Dr. Smylie continues her work with communities across Canada in order to advance and design the delivery of health to Indigenous Peoples.