Cindy Blackstock
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Cindy Blackstock
Public Service (2011)
Currently the Executive Director of the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada (FNCFCS) Cindy Blackstock has worked in the field of child and family services for over 20 years. Under her leadership of the FNCFCS, the Assembly of First Nations launched a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal against the Canadian Government on charges that it is racially discriminating against First Nations children and their families. By providing less child welfare funding, and benefits than other Canadian children receive, this case is one of the most formally watched legal actions in Canadian history with over 6300 people and organizations watching the tribunal. Jordan’s Principal is yet another example of her continuous passion to change policy so that First Nations children receive equitable funding for services. Jordan’s Principal received the formal support of over 3100 Canadians and organizations making it one of the most broadly supported children’s policy movements in Canadian history. It has been adopted by the provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and New Brunswick. She is also part of a team supporting Shannens Dream for equitable education which has over 1000 supporters.