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Complaints Policy

1.0 Purpose

Indspire is committed to treating all peoples with respect and dignity. It will respond, in a timely manner, to complaints from members of the public. This policy is designed to clearly establish the requirements and process for responding to public complaints.

Indspire will seek to be a resource even in the event where Indspire identifies that the complaint does not directly relate to Indspire.

2.0 Scope

This policy applies to all Indspire staff, Board members and any agents, contracted by Indspire, to act on its behalf.

3.0 Definition

Complaint – any concern or criticism from a member of the public who writes or calls  Indspire to register their grievance about Indspire staff, Board or contractor conduct. Anonymous complaints will not be acted on.

4.0 Principles

  • Indspire will respond and address all complaints expeditiously
  • Indspire will deal with members of the public who have a concern with respect and dignity
  • Indspire will take all complaints seriously respecting everyone’s confidentiality to the extent possible
  • Individuals against whom a complaint has been made will be given a fair opportunity to respond to the allegations.
  • Wherever reasonable, complaints will be addressed informally. Where required and appropriate, a formal procedure may be followed

5.0 Procedure

Complaints received from the public are to be directed to the Chief Operating Officer (COO).

  • The complaint will be acknowledged within 48 hours of receipt
  • Refer complaints to an appropriate organization/individual in the event the complaint is misdirected (e.g. A federal body, Band Council, another agency or entity)
  • Consult with Indspire staff as needed to determine appropriate course of action.
  • Every effort will be made to respond to complaints within ten (10) business days of receipt. Exceptions may occur given the complexity of the issue.
  • Every effort will be made to respond to complaints in the same manner in which they were received, (e.g. phone complaint will be addressed via return phone call).
  • The COO office will maintain a log of all complaints including date, name, form of complaint and response method.

6.0 Ways to Complain

You can submit your complaint to Indspire by phone, mail, fax, or email.

Phone: 1.855.INDSPIRE (1.855.463.7747)

Our phone lines are open to the public Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Mail: Indspire Head Office
Box 5, Suite 100
50 Generations Drive
Six Nations of the Grand River
Ohsweken, Ontario N0A 1M0

Fax: 866.433.3159

