Voici quelques instructions pour préparer une lettre de remerciement aux sponsors/donateurs de votre bourse.
Dear Indspire student bursary or scholarship recipient,
When you receive an Indspire bursary or scholarship, it is important that you write a brief thank you letter to the sponsor or donor that created the award. This will encourage them to continue to support Indspire’s Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries, Scholarships, and Awards program. The letter can be two or three paragraphs and should share your appreciation for the donor’s financial assistance towards your education. Don’t worry about including the amount of your award.
Voici quelques instructions pour préparer une lettre de remerciement aux sponsors/donateurs de votre bourse :
- Address the letter to “Dear Sponsor of the [full name of award]” (it is very important to refer specifically to the name of the award you received).
- Include a bit of background on yourself (Where are you studying? What program of study are you in? What year?)
- Share how this support has made a difference to your situation?
- Let them know about your future aspirations? (What line of work are you interested in? Do you want to study more?)
- Include a sentence like “Thank you for your generous support.” at the end of the letter.
- Share a “Thank you” photo like the examples below. Donors are so proud to support you and love to get photos as well as letters.
Your words of appreciation in a letter will go a long way in encouraging continued support for you and other students from the sponsors and donors that helped by funding Indspire’s Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries, Scholarships, and Awards program.
Please take a few minutes to write your thank you letter, snap a photo and send it to us. We will forward your letter and photo on to the sponsor or donor that helped you.
If you’d like, you can also send a short 60-second “Thank you” video. To ensure good sound quality for your video, please film in an area with no background noise. Please film in landscape mode and avoid wearing shirts with logos or words on them; consider wearing a collared or single-coloured t-shirt.
Instructions :
Please read the instructions below before you proceed to the website, ensure you have your letter document (either Word or PDF) and photo ready.
Étape 1)
Please click on the button to access your Indspire Account where you applied for support.
Étape 2)
Enter your Indspire Username and Account Password. Please note that this data pertains to our records of your application. If you need to change any information, please contact education@indspire.ca.
Étape 3)
The top banner on the right-hand side, you will see your name with a dropdown list, choose “Thank you”.
Once you’re on this page, you can upload your letter, photo and/or video (50mb maximum) or you can type your thank you message in the text box provided.
Thank You!
555 Richmond Street West, Suite 601
Toronto, ON
M5V 3B1
Email: donorthanks@indspire.ca