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Sharla Tiakohatéhkwen Howard

Youth (1995)

Sharla is a twenty year old student from the Turtle Clan of the Mohawks of Kanesatake, Quebec.  He Mohawk name, Tiakohatéhkwen, means “she is of many paths” which reflective of the many footpaths Sharla has tread in her life so far.  She is currently on the Dean’s Honour List at the University of Waterloo where she is studying Engineering.  Sharla ranked number one in her class for the first two semesters, and sports a 90% grade average.  Her awards at the University of Waterloo include:  the Lafarge Canada Inc. Scholarship; the Canada Scholarship; the Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Limited Award; and the Engineering Faculty Upper Year Scholarship.  While at John Abbott College in Quebec, she was on the Honour Role from 1991 to 1993 and received the highest academic average for an athlete.  1991 served as a banner year for Ms. Howard, as she received the National Book Award for most outstanding student, the Merit Award for teaching computers to physically challenged people, the Governor General’s Award for highest average in her high school, and Wendall Robert Award for most outstanding female student from her high school.  In 1990, she was awarded most outstanding student for best average in her high school, and competed in the first North American Indigenous Games, where she won four Gold Medals in the long jump, 100 metre and 200 metre events in Edmonton, Alberta.  Ms. Howard attributes a strong sense of self-esteem, the teachings of her elders, and the support of family for the achievements and successes she has garnered.
