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Robert E. Johnson Jr.

Youth (1996)

Robert E. Johnson Jr. will never have to doctor his resume.  The 22 year old medical student at Dalhousie University has won over 20 scholarships and awards in his academic career.  He earned his Bachelor of Science at Dalhousie in 1994 and is currently in his second year of medical school.  He is a past member of the Minorities in Medicine Committee of the Dalhousie School of Medicine and has served as the President of Dalhousie University’s Aboriginal Student Association.  He also served as Aboriginal delegate on the Canadian Federation of Students and Student Union of Nova Scotia.  Among his honours are two scholarships for academic excellence from the Confederacy of Mainland Micmacs, scholarships for sports and academics from the Nova Scotia Hockey Association, the Nova Scotia Provincial scholarship from Health Canada.  He has conducted clinical research into Aboriginal diabetes and worked two summers for the Native Council of Nova Scotia in their Rural and Native Housing Program.  He stays active in intramural hockey, tennis, baseball, softball, squash, jogging, and weight lifting.  He also took a course in traditional herbal medicine and volunteered in a soup kitchen.  He is recognized as a vital role model for Micmac youth now and in the future.  He received the National Aboriginal Achievement Award Youth for his academic excellence and drive to succeed.
